Teen Movie & TV Club » Discussions

A Painted House (2003)

  • $NavyBoy$
    November 15, 2017

    I am switching the recommended movies to the forums so the record is more permanent, as you know this series is movies which feature child or teen actors in a prominent role.

    The first movie under this new system is from 2003 and stars then young actor Logan Lerman the film is A Painted House.

    Here is the storyline from IMDB
    A young boy, his family, and the migrant workers they hire to work their cotton farm struggle against difficult odds to raise and sell the crop. Meanwhile, the boy dreams of living in better conditions. However, with this particularly tough farming season, the boy learns that his challenges guide him in discovering who he really is.<br.
    Logan plays 10-Year old Luke Chandler, the film is fine for all ages except for two scenes of violence that leads to death that are both witnessed by young Luke.

  • $NavyBoy$
    February 3, 2018
    This system for posting the recommended movies that have kids or teens in key roles is not working, I wish the admin can create some system like videos or photos where I posy these and they stay and are formatted properly.

    I can post in club actvity feed but they get pushed into oblivion after a while.