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Clandestine Episode One - Epic Rival

Posted by ChristianTraeumer Elliot Dural, the Patriarch of the Lion clan, goes over the various mistakes he's made in his life as he now faces a new challenge that may lead to bloodshed and war. He begins to leave the compound in the dead of night, making a decision that may end his own life for the sake of his clansmen. Greeting him at the exit is Ida, one of the eldest remaining clansmen and mother figure to all, she begs Elliot to rethink his decision and reminds him that the burden of their fate does not solely rest on his shoulders. This discussion between the wise leaders of the Lion clan is but one instance in a chain of events that will spark the conflict throughout Clandestine. Here is where our story begins... Clandestine Score Composed By: Andrew Prahlow [a] executive producer - [ion] influencer marketing - [a]list public relations -
Posted January 20, 2015 - #  #Clandestine  #Episode 1 
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