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Tristan DeVan

Tristan DeVan » Videos » Someday Hero - Tristan DeVan

Someday Hero - Tristan DeVan

Posted by Admin
Someday Hero. Short Film. 2010.
Running Time:13:18.
Producer: Tony Rancich
Director/Writer: Darcy Fray
DP: Jared Abrams
Editor: Philip Miller
Original Music: Ron Aniello
Art Director & Wardrobe: Skye Stewart-Short

Starring: Jason DeVan, Tristan DeVan, Rich Baderinwa, Jonathan Kite, Leah Couvelier, Sadie Stratton & Keilan Matthews.

A biracial boy with an abusive father grows up to be an emotionally stunted superhero impersonator who struggles with the fear of confrontation on a daily basis. Emotionally crippled by the fear of conflict, the lead character Jack, chooses the ironic career path of a super hero impersonator which poses the question, do we choose our path in life or does it choose us?
Posted March 11, 2017 - 3 comments - 1,322 views - 8 likes - #Tristan DeVan  #Someday Hero 
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  • joseP
    joseP   ·  April 2, 2017
    Yea it was good.
  • Jordan
    Jordan   ·  March 11, 2017
  • Lite_Brite
    Lite_Brite   ·  March 11, 2017
    This is awesome, Tristan is the best.

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