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Jared Breeze

Jared Breeze » Videos » An Interview with 'The Boy's Craig William Macneill, Jared Breeze, & Clay McLeod Chapman

An Interview with 'The Boy's Craig William Macneill, Jared Breeze, & Clay McLeod Chapman

Posted by Rishi
After the screening of 'The Boy' at this years Stanley Film Festival, we had the opportunity to sit down director Craig William Macneil, actor Jared Breeze, & writer Clay McLeod Chapman, to discuss the path of pre-teen sociopaths, merging influences, & the "Mistake".
Posted October 4, 2015 - 4 comments - 2,859 views - 9 likes -   #Jared Breeze  #The Boy 
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  • JBChick
    JBChick   ·  January 2, 2016
    Jared is awesome.
  • Rachel
    Rachel   ·  December 7, 2015
    He is so cute.
  • OCkid
    OCkid   ·  October 12, 2015
    So dark, throw a light on.
  • NJ_Kid
    NJ_Kid   ·  October 5, 2015
    Set dark as hell think they could afforda few lights.

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